Club Rules
The organisers accept no responsibility for injury/damage to people, property, or animals whatsoever or however caused.
Hard hats, to current safety standards, must be worn when mounted. Checks may be carried out at shows.
Body protectors are compulsory for XC and strongly advised for SJ. Body Protectors will become compulsory for Show Jumping for children 12 years and under from 2017
The committee reserves the right to refuse admission, eliminate or ask to leave, anyone behaving in an unsportsman-like manner, including offensive language and excessive use of the whip which will not be tolerated. This rule will be strictly enforced.
No entry fee refunded without a doctor’s/vet’s certificate.
At the judge’s discretion, classes may be amalgamated/divided.
Any complaints must be handed to the secretary, in writing and within 10 minutes of the class finishing, accompanied by a fee of £10, which will be refunded if the organisers decide the complaint is justified.
The decision of the judge is final
No Horse/Pony under 4 years to compete in a ridden class
It is not permitted to have a Dressage test read aloud in a O.D.E.
Correct dress must be worn in Dressage ie; Gloves & Jacket etc
Whips are not permitted in a O.D.E Dressage test
Children under 16yrs are not permitted to wear spurs unless a letter from their DC or an affiliated governing body is produced
Stop watches are not permitted to be used in XC/Hunter trials
All Trophies/Shields are the responsibility of the holder, and must be returned one month prior to the following years show date to: Mrs M Thomas, Huntsland Cottage, Church Hill, Pinhoe, Exeter, EX4 9JJ.
All entries must be accompanied with full fees. Cheques made payable to “Exe Equestrian Club”, with name & address on the back please
All points gained go towards annual Junior and Senior points trophies. To qualify for points, you must be a paid up member of the club on the date of competition
Horses/ponies may compete in a maximum of two classes at a Hunter Trial
All dogs must be kept on a lead
Riding without a bit will not be allowed without obtaining permission from the judge. Riders will be required to demonstrate that the pony/horse is fully under control for permission to be granted. If there is more than one rider, riding the same pony/horse, then each rider must demonstrate that they can fully control the pony/horse.