Novice Show
Sun, 02 Jun
Novice Horse / Pony show with Show Jumping, Showing and Dressage

Time & Location
02 Jun 2024, 09:30 – 16:00
Lympstone, Nutwell Court, Nutwell Rd, Lympstone, Exmouth EX8 5AN, UK
About the event
SUNDAY, 02 JUNE 2024
Novice Pony/Horse and Fun Dog Show
at Nutwell Court, Lympstone, Nr EX8 5AJ
Book on-line from 06 May at 6am
Signposted from A376 Exeter/Exmouth Road
(By kind permission of Mr and Mrs N Lee)
Show Sponsored by:
Good Game Grill
Kings Garden and Leisure
India Weeks In memory of Lesley Weeks
Catering Provided by:
Good Game Grill
Photography by:
The Dark Room & Liz and Leonie Photography
Guidance Notes:
· Combination not to have been previously placed 1st in the classes they have entered, except for at previous EEC shows (unless they have been placed 1stfor 3 years in a row).
· Hors Concurs (HC) welcome in all classes.
· Classes may be split at the judge’s discretion.
· Riders/Handlers may be assisted unless otherwise stated.
· Rosettes to 6th Place.
· Lucky dip prizes for all riders 12 or under placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd.
· No times will be given for show jumping or dressage classes, riders number to be given to the ring steward when they enter the warmup and will be placed in the order they arrive.
South West Pony Association Qualifiers
This show is a qualifier for the South West Pony Association Championships to be held on 29 - 31 August 2024 at The David Broome Event Centre, Crick, Monmouthshire. NP26 5XP.
To qualify for the Championships:
· SWPA Members Enter one of the qualifying classes. Be either first or second in the class, and get your card signed. Take a picture of the card and upload via
· Non-SWPA Members Enter one of the qualifying classes. Register online at within 14 days of qualification Send an Email to advising of the show you attended, the class entered, and the position gained.
You will be sent Qualifying Cards for the Horses / Ponies registered.
Please Note: Registration fee for 2023/4 is £25 to include all members of the family and equines owned by the family.
Ring 1 - 09:30
Show Jumping inc Clear Round
Ring 2 - 09:30
Handy Pony / Gymkhana/ Fancy Dress
Ring 3 - 10:00
In-Hand Showing
Ring 4 - 10:00
Ridden Showing
Ring 5 - 10:30-13:00
Ring 6A/6B - 11:00
Dog Show and Dog Agility Course
Medical Cover
£5 per competitor
Rings 1, 3, 4, & 5- £5 per class
Rings 1, 3, 4 & 5- £7 per class
Clear Round / Handy Pony / Fancy Dress
Ring 1 (Clear Round only) & Ring 2 - £3
£2 per race or £5 for 3 races
Dog Show
Ring 6- £2 per class or £5 for 3 classes
Sponsored by Good Game Grill
The Rider will jump the first 6 jumps, if no faults have been acquired (they have jumped clear) they will progress with the second half of the course, which is timed. Timing will start when the horse lands after the 6th jump and stop when they land after the last jump. The round with the lowest faults and fastest time wins. At the judge’s discretion the rider may continue HC if they are not clear over the first 6 jumps. Times are approximate.
30cm X-Poles (09:30-10:30)
1. 30cm X-Poles Clear Round over shorter course (may be led or assisted)
2. 30cm X-Poles Lead Rein / Assisted
40cm (Approx. 10:30-12:00)
3. 40cm Clear Round over shorter course (may be led or assisted)
4. 40cm Lead Rein / Assisted
5. 40cm Unassisted
50cm (Approx. 12:00-13:00)
6. 50cm Clear Round over shorter course (may be assisted)
7. 50cm Unassisted
60cm (Approx. 13:30-14:00)
8. 60cm Clear Round over shorter course
9. 60cm Unassisted
70cm (Approx. 14:30 -15:00)
10. 70cm Clear Round over shorter course
11. 70cm Unassisted
HANDY PONY from 09:30
Non-competitive, Rosettes for all who complete the course.
GYMKHANA – time and entries permitting.
Races maybe split by age group.
1. Walk and Trot
2. Bending
3. Ride and Lead
4. Biscuit Race
5. Ball & Spoon
6. Ball and Bucket
7. Flag Race
8. Relay Flag Race
SHOWING - In-Hand Classes
Sponsored by Kings Garden & Leisure
Horse / Pony any height, competitor any age, unless otherwise stated.
Classes may be split at Judge’s discretion.
Times are approximate.
12. Young Stock under 4 years old (10:00)
13. Best Turned-Out Pony and Competitor (Special Rosette for the Best Plaited Tail) (10:30)
14. Veteran Pony/Horse (SWPA Qualifier – 15 years and over) (11:00)
15. Ex Racehorse (SWPA Qualifier – 4 years and over) (11:30)
16. Show/Riding Pony (SWPA Qualifier – not to exceed 148cm) (12:00)
17. Mountain and Moorland type small breed (E.g. Shetland, Welsh Section A & B, Dartmoor, Exmoor, etc.) 12:30)
18. Mountain and Moorland type large breed (E.g. Connemara, Highland, Fell, New Forest, Welsh C & D, etc.) (13:30)
19. Coloured(SWPA Qualifier -to include Skewbald, Piebald, Appaloosa, Spotted, Palomino, Dun) (14:00)
20. Cob(14:30)
21. Solid Coloured (15:00)
22. Young Handler (SWPA Qualifier – handlers to have attained their 4th birthday by 1st Jan in current year but not to have attained their 18th birthday before the 1st Jan current year. No Stallions or Colts) (15:30)
23. In-Hand Show Champion – all first placed competitors of In-Hand classes above. (16:00)
SHOWING - Ridden Classes
Sponsored by Good Game Grill
Pony/horse any height, competitor any age, unless otherwise stated. May be led.
Classes may be split at the Judge’s discretion.
Ridden classes will be required to give a short individual show. This should consist of walk, trot, and canter (except for lead rein) on both reins and ideally last no more than 2-3 minutes.
Times are approximate
24. Best Turned-Out Horse and Rider (Special Rosette for Best Plaited Tail) (10:00)
25. Lead Rein (10:30)
26. Junior Combination (12 and under) (11:00)
27. Junior Combination (13-17) (11:15)
28. Senior Combination (Over 18) (11:30)
29. Family Pony/Horse (12:00)
30. Veteran (SWPA Qualifier – 15 years and over, Rider any age) (12:30)
13:00 Lunch Break
31. Show Cob (13:30)
32. Coloured (SWPA Qualifier -to include Skewbald, Piebald, Appaloosa, Spotted, Palomino, Dun) (13:30)
33. Solid Colour (14:00)
34. Mountain and Moorland Large E.g. Connemara, Highland, Fell, New Forest, Welsh C & D, Etc.) (14:30)
35. Mountain and Moorland Small (E.g. Shetland, Welsh Section A & B, Dartmoor, Exmoor, etc.) (15:00)
36. Foreign Breeds (15:30)
37. Ex Racehorse (SWPA Qualifier – 4 years and over) (15:45)
38. Ridden Show Champion – all first placed competitors from each ridden showing class above. (16:00)
Sponsored by Kings Garden & Leisure
Dressage tests can be taken any time between 10:30-13:00
39. BD Intro A (2008)
40. BD Prelim 12 (2005)
41. DB Novice Test 112 (2010)
Sponsored by India Weeks In memory of Lesley Weeks
1. Best Boys
Book on-line from 04 May at 6am
2. Gorgeous Girls
3. Greedy Guts – Fastest Treat Eater
4. Special rescues
5. Golden Oldies over 7 years
6. Perfect pups under 12 months
7. Young Handler – under 14 years
8. Best Small Dog 18” and under
9. Best Big Dog over 18”
10. Best Trick
11. Fancy Dress
12. Loveliest Pair of Dogs
BEST IN SHOW – all 1st placed winners.
From 11am – 1pm
Dog Agility Course
Medical Cover - Per rider/comp
Medical cover - add one per rider / competitor
£5.00Sale endedClear Round
Starting at 09:30 in Ring 1. Clear Round will be run in between each Show Jumping class. The height of the jumps will relate the the class following.
Sale ended- £3.00
- £3.00
- £3.00
Handy Pony
Handy Pony course. Non-competitive. Rosettes for all those that complete the course.
£3.00Sale endedFancy Dress Competition
Join in the fun and join in our Fancy Dress Competition. To be held at approx. 13:00hrs.
£2.00Sale ended2. 30cm Lead Rein/Assisted
Show Jumping 30cm cross poles. Can be lead or assisted.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
4. 40cm Lead Rein/Assisted
Show Jumping 40cm max height. Can be lead or assisted.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
5. 40cm unassisted
Show Jumping 40cm max height. Unassisted.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
7. 50cm unassisted
Show Jumping 50cm max height. Unassisted.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
9. 60cm unassisted
Show Jumping 60cm max height. Unassisted.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
11. 70cm unassisted
Show Jumping 70cm max height. Unassisted.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
12. Young Stock Under 4 yrs
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Young Stock Under 4 years old.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
13. In-hand Best Turned Out
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Best Turned Out Horse and Competitor. Special Rosette for the Best Plaited Tail.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
14. In-hand Veteran SWPA QUAL
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Veteran Pony / Horse (SWPA Qualifier - 15 years and over)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
15. In-hand Ex Racehorse SWPA
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Ex Racehorse - 4 years and over (SWPA Qualifier - 4 years and over)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
16. In-H Show/Riding Pony SWPA
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Show/Riding Pony-not to exceed 148cm (SWPA Qualifier)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
17. In-hand M&M Small Breed
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Mountain & Moorland Small Breed, e.g. Shetland, Welsh Section A & B, Dartmoor, Exmoor, etc)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
18. In-hand M&M Large Breed
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Mountain & Moorland Large Breed, e.g. Connemara, Highland, Fell, New Forest, Welsh Section C & D, etc)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
19. Coloured SWPA QUAL
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Coloured to include Skewbald, Piebald, Appaloosa, Spotted, Palomino, Dun (SWPA Qualifier)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
20. In Hand Cob
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Cob
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
21. In Hand Solid Colour
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Solid Colour
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
22. Young Handler SWPA QUAL
Ring 3 - In Hand Showing - Young Handler. SWPA Qualifier - handlers to have attained their 4th birthday by 1st January in the current year but not to have attained their 18th birthday before the 1st January current year. No Stallions or Colts)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
24. Ridden Best Turned Out
Ring 4. Ridden. Best Turned Out Horse/Pony and Rider. Special rosette for the Best Plaited Tail)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
25. Ridden Lead Rein
Ring 4. Ridden. Lead Rein (SWPA Qualifier - Pony not to exceed 122cm, M&M Breed must be registered with their breed society to qualify. Rider not to have attained their 8th Birthday if riding show/riding type or 9th Birthday if riding M&M type before 1st January of current year)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
26. Ridden Junior Comb 12yrs <
Ring 4. Ridden. Junior Combination 12 year and under
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
27. Ridden Junior Comb 13-17
Ring 4. Ridden. Junior Combination 13-17 years old
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
28. Ridden Senior Comb
Ring 4. Ridden. Senior Combination over 18 years old .
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
29. Ridden Family Pony/Horse
Ring 4. Ridden. Family Pony Horse - 2 generations minimum of 4 years age difference.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
30. Ridden Veteran (SWPA QUAL)
Ring 4. Ridden. Veteran - (SWPA qualifier - 15 years and over, rider any age)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
31. Ridden Show Cob -SWPA Qual
Ring 4. Ridden. Show Cob - SWPA Qualifier
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
32. Ridden Coloured-SWPA Qual
Ring 4. Ridden. Coloured. (SWPA Qualifier to include Skewbald, Piebald, Appaloosa, Spotted, Palomino, Dun)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
33. Ridden Solid Coloured
Ring 4. Ridden. Solid Coloured.
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
34. Ridden M&M Large
Ring 4. Ridden. Mountain & Moorland Large Breed, e.g. Connemara, Highland, Fell, New Forest, Welsh Section C&D, etc)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
35. Ridden M&M Small
Ring 4. Ridden. Mountain & Moorland Small Breed, e.g. Shetland, Welsh Section A&B, Dartmoor, Exmoor, etc)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
36. Ridden Foreign Breeds
Ring 4. Ridden. Foreign Breeds
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
37. Ridden Ex Racehorse (SWPA)
Ring 4. Ridden. Ex Racehorse (SWPA Qualifier - 4 years and over)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
39. Dressage BD Intro A (2008)
Ring 5. Dressage BD Intro A (2008)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
40. Dressage Prelim 12 (2005)
Ring 5. Dressage BD Prelim 12 (2005)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00
41 Dressage Novice Test 112
Ring 5. Dressage BE Novice Test 112 (2010)
From £5.00 to £7.00Sale ended- £7.00
- £5.00